Transcending the Self: Awe, Elevation, and Inspiration

Image credit: Jonas Togo


The emotions (awe, elevation) and emotional state (inspiration) addressed in this chapter are thought to turn our minds outward rather than inward, encouraging us to transcend the self and its expectations. While they differ from each other in important ways, awe, elevation, and inspiration all involve challenging our expectations about what is and what can be. They pull attention outside the self toward something to be understood and appreciated—a feature of the natural world, the actions of another human being, a practical or creative problem to be solved. Moreover, they draw attention to that which is greater than the self, inviting us to transcend our day-to-day agendas and limits. In this chapter we discuss each of these three constructs, offering a detailed theoretical description, as well as reviewing the available empirical evidence. We then discuss broader issues raised by awe, elevation, and inspiration, offering suggestions for future research on these relatively understudied states.

Handbook of Positive Emotions, Eds. Michele M. Tugade, Michelle N. Shiota, & Leslie D. Kirby